Behind This Door…

The door opens to an amazing garden full of visual displays at every turn.

Nestled behind this door, in a neighborhood called Fieldstone Farms in Franklin, Tennessee, is a secret garden full of imagination, creativity and a lot of work over the years. Sue Harms has created a beautiful place where she can enter through her side door or her back door from her house. Either way you’re in for an eye full of surprise!

As you enter from the side gate you walk across a path lined with rocks and flowers, a bird bath and even a shed. There in front of you is a wrought rod iron gate where you can see if full view areas to sit, eat, or just walk around and take it all in. Taking care of such beauty doesn’t just happen. It takes imagination and heavy hard labor to put such a place together and then the upkeep. As with all gardens staying on top of the changes can be daunting as I know all too well but worth it all in the end.

As you walk through the wrought iron gate you are greeted by a whimsical frog gifted to Sue from her grandchildren. The Garden sign is to the right in the covered porch area.

Here are some of my favorite spots! The fountain is spectacular and can be viewed from several sitting areas in this backyard garden. The cherub is absolutely stunning. Sue purchased two of the four cherubs called The Four Seasons, Spring and Summer 35 years ago and they have traveled from her yard in Kentucky to Tennessee.

Sue can entertain easily and serve meals for family and friends from the table with umbrella that sets directly out back from her kitchen. She has several sets of gorgeous china on hand to mix and match to create whatever atmosphere she’s thinking of. She definitely has an eye for design. One of her latest additions is the Eugenia topiary as you can see above right.

Sue adds areas of charm to her gardens from shopping high end and second hand. Collectables she’s had for years, allows her to be able to change out items also.

Above shows several vignettes of seating with spectacular creative views.

This year the visitors to this backyard were a robin who built her nest on top of a birdhouse, a dove that left behind her eggs and an owl that appeared one day and stayed for two weeks. I wonder if he’ll be back.

This view is just magical! This is creativity at its finest! Sue gets to walk under the Enonymus covered arch to an area where she can have her dirt, gloves and shovel in hand to create her next basket of beautiful flowers to place amongst her yard either sitting on the ground or hanging from her trees.

As you walk under the arch, you will see the potting table hidden behind waiting for work to be done!

Thank you, Sue, for sharing your backyard garden with us. I hope this helps others to add more creativity in new ways to their yards.

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