By Brad Bloom, Publisher
I’ll be honest, the thickest callous I currently have is on the side of my index finger. I’m notorious for biting my finger while thinking about what to type next. I used to have some pretty good ones when I was younger, like those you see in the picture. I worked hard outside – without gloves.
A callous is a thickened and hardened part of the skin, in an area that has been subjected to friction – the friction of resisting laziness or compromise by being a faithful steward of all God has given you and simply working hard. It’s not pretty but it has a lot of utility because it protects you. Makes you tougher!
Want some? You should. Outdoor enthusiast, weight lifters, farmers, gardeners and a lot of other hard workers all around you wear their callous with pride. How do you get one? Yeah that’s pretty easy — Your soft skin gets rubbed the wrong way enough times and you get a blister. Keep rubbing and pop. There you go, a nice fresh pink second layer of skin that hurts and perhaps bleeds. Try to let it heal, repeat before it does and keep going through the motions because you’ve got to – you too will be rewarded with a nice callous.

This letter of encouragement is intended for everybody – especially those who have faith in God – who self-identify as a “Christ follower”. To follow Christ, plan to steward your time, resources, energy, patience and persistence as you manage your garden.
The challenges in any given season of your life may seem unbearable. Certainly it’s by no fault of our own and yet on the other hand we’ve created a softer world. It’s been a really nice place and we don’t like when it gets all messed up. But it has.
Right now a lot of people could benefit from experiencing the grace of God and the power of Jesus. Not the Jesus that we love on because He loves us. People need a Jesus who is calloused. Not cold-hearted but well worn. You can be the life of Christ by being durable and not longing for easy street but going the distance and beyond with clarity and passion.
People need a dirty God. A God that is pure and life giving yet needs no protection from the vile sickness that tries to destroy us. As Johnnie Moore says in his book, Dirty God, “Jesus didn’t keep his distance from the messy world… He gave himself completely to the opportunity to make the inglorious feel they mattered to God. Jesus went through hell to show us kindness.“ This is not a time to be shy, weak or fearful. You can be the hand of God that reaches out boldly with strength and confidence to so many who are covered with fear, shame, anger, pain – anything less than the perfect goodness of God.
Somebody today is spiritually suffocating because of the social distancing of faith that has gone on for too long. Grace doesn’t hide. It brings light. Grace isn’t weak. It has the power to draw the most hopeless ever closer to the intimate care of God.
We’ve all experienced the guy or gal who has been working and sweating all day who stinks — They literally stink! It’s time for us to realize that our lives aren’t all Downy fresh. The Botox we inject into our Facebook posts may make us look wrinkle free but the dirt we hide is real.
Instead we need to celebrate the callous as evidence of the continual care and guidance God has for us. Our lifestyle of stewardship in the garden reflects God’s power and authority to lead us. While many shun it because it is not easy, we all should embrace it for simply the joy God sets before us.
We all need grace and not the kind we’ve fabricated that is delicate, sanitized or more godly than God. Life is going to get gross before it gets glorious. The only grace that will get us through is one strong enough to penetrate filth. Grab hold of it. Run the race hard. Get your callous. Be tough and dive deep into a refreshing new season.
Grow deep in Christ,
Brad Bloom, Publisher
Some of the text above is inspired by the song Highs & Lows. Listen to it now and take time to pray, reflect on what you’ve read and seek God for wisdom.
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