It’s a great time to start planning your garden ahead of time. There are always items to get later on but start thinking about what you can purchase now so it doesn’t hurt your budget all at once.
Here’s a question to start with. What’s your gardening style? From here you’ll have a direction to go in. If you don’t know then take a look at how you decorate your home. Do you like clean lines and order then you might be Modern, or do you want row after row planted in the ground like our ancestors planted, that would be traditional.
There are no wrong or rights in this either, as all types are beautiful. Here’s a short list of a few types. Traditional, Cottage, Contemporary, Modern, and Natural. I am a cottage gardener. I use inground, containers and have raised beds and arches. I love to mix my flowers in with my veggies and herbs. I’m a free bird when it comes to our garden, and I don’t want a lot of structure or should I say rules.

A good way to find your style is to go on Pinterest, create a gardening board and start pinning all the pics that you like on gardening and you will see quickly which one you are. To visit my Pinterest please go to look for” My Secret Garden Board’. Take a quick look and you’ll see what cottage style has to offer such as a very full variety of flowers, creativity using vintage items, growing veggies on arches to add more room, and more. Browsing Pinterest will overwhelm you with gardening ideas and you wont be at a loss for ideas.
The next thing you’ll need to figure out is where your sun and shade spots are. We used to garden in the back but over the years the trees have grown so tall that they shade our back yard so we moved it to the side yard where the sun is. The back is in the progress of being an inground shade garden for hostas, ferns, among others.
After you know your style, sun and shade spots, ask yourself what do I want to accomplish this year? Don’t take it all on as gardens grow year to year. I’m still learning all the time and add and change as I go.
Order seed catalogs and browse though them for ideas to order ahead of time. Do you have water for the birds? Start looking at bird baths, we want birds and butterflies and bees and more in our garden for a multitude of reasons, one being the bugs, that’s another issue we have to learn the difference between good and bad bugs in the garden. One thing we do is feed the squirrels and we don’t have a problem with them in the garden beds except they plant their nuts in the soil.

Hopefully this will get your creativity going and thinking on where to start now with your garden come spring time. Jot down ideas along with your list of items you’ll need and where you’ll obtain them too.
Happy creating to you!

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