Looking back through photos of being in the garden with my grandchildren makes me so anxious for spring to stop playing games, winter vs springtime back and forth. Today my plan was to do more cleanup from the storms and rake up a lot of dead leaves from damage, but as the warm air feels great and I had to go back inside because it started raining. Plans changed again! This year’s winter caused a lot of debris, broken limbs and plants such as a large Rosemary that has survived for over 10 years has died. Our Ivy, which is so beautiful has left a view of brown leaves everywhere. I can see a green leaf here and there, but I fear it won’t be the same. It’s been beautiful for over 20 years. Adjusting with patience will be my theme this year in the garden with a lot of changes. My Potting table in the back has finally rotted away and this morning I tore it apart and saved the ornamental part of the wood for a future project. We lost some arches through the storms and this weekend our grandson Riley will be coming to work with me to tear down one arch and build another. I’ll write about that next month.
Gardening like life is always about adjusting to the circumstances placed in front of you. God reminds me today that you can never give up but find a new way to approach to each obstacle and always remember he’s there taking each step with me as long as I will follow!

Always take the time to make your garden time creative and fun. Enjoy it by yourself and create memories with your family. I will be creating a new place to sit this year so when our youngest grandchildren are here, I can sit and watch them play. Liam will be 3 and this year he will plant seeds and create his own garden that he can watch grow and water when he comes. Hes definitely an outdoorsman already!

Tip for this month: If you don’t already do this, save your eggshells for your garden. I crush them and place around the tomatoes to keep those pesky slugs off of your tomatoes. They won’t crawl over them.

What creative idea are you planning to do in your garden this year I’d love to know all you have to do is just leave me a comment and spread the inspiration!