This issue we are exploring the meaning of desire. What is more, how we are moved to take our desire for gardening and turn it into a lifestyle that God can use. As we turn our passion toward Christ, we find our giftings, including gardening, are tools that God has prepared for us to regenerate those who need hope. A garden lifestyle that offers humanity a place of respite, a place to root, and a place to bloom.
As you read through ripen – a gardening lifestyle magazine, find yourself in the stories of radical hospitality, and garden planning. Think about the desire you have for gardening. In doing so, imagine the influence your desire for gardening could have on others. Your influence may remove barriers that prevent others from knowing the grace of Christ.
As you reflect, I challenge you to allow your desire to garden to serve others. As you listen to the NGP Farm interview you may capture an idea that you can duplicate in some fashion in your community. Is there a group, a person, a community organization that needs your garden skills? Allow your desire to garden urge you toward serving others.

Finally, during this new growing season, ponder how your desire to garden can be used to exhort others. Just like good soil grows beautiful vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Our words and actions are absorbed deeply into others. Be good soil. Let your garden desire lead the way in exhorting others. Give seeds, serve in a community garden, share your bounty, and encourage others along their garden journey.
I would love to hear how your desire to garden is growing and flourishing by helping others. Be sure to check out opportunities in this issue to learn more about garden ministry and connecting with us in the garden. As always, thank you for allowing us to ripen with you.
Kimberly Bloom
A Hand of Tranquility and a Harvest Lifestyle