Every season bears fruit, but never so expectantly than in the summer. Sometimes our expectations don’t match our realities. But, with God, the fruition is there if you just look for it.
Just this afternoon I walked around my garden cutting flowers that took forever to bloom, and at the same time I was perplexed by why all my tomatoes are still green. Large green tomatoes are hanging on the vine. They’re green as green can be – in late summer! Even more disappointing is getting to the point where I could pick a nice ripe red tomato, and discovering a creature of the night devoured it.
As I stood in my garden, reflecting on my garden failures, I tried to console myself. I began to take stock of what did come to fruition:
- I picked cucumbers all season and enjoyed a few varieties with family and friends.
- We enjoyed the freshness of new lettuce.
- We feasted on zucchini in a variety of ways.
- I managed to grow a new variety of green beans in a garden box.
- I shared multiple flower bouquets that uplifted spirits.

Maybe everything I grew was not overly abundant, but I did harvest. More importantly, I learned more about my garden, what techniques I needed to refine, and how I could manage my garden so I can enjoy more of the fruit of my labor. Yes, next summer’s garden planning is already underway!
As I look ahead, more than ever before, I desire to dwell on the fruit I produced that provides the manifestation of God’s fruit of the Spirit in me. I ask myself, did my garden produce goodness, kindness, self-control, love, joy, peace, forbearance, gentleness, or self-control?
But what happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely.
– Galatians 5:22-23, The Message (MSG)
Did I create fruitful experience from which others can dwell and learn? Have I ripened? Did I give time and space for others to ripen?
I affirm as I look around my garden and dwell in my summer memories that a few moments of such did occur. I witnessed grandchildren stand quietly within my garden while butterflies danced around them. I heard testimony of how the flowers and herbs I gave improved one’s mood. I witnessed joy in others as they received fresh food from the garden. I was able to teach others to sow and grow. And – I discovered that no gift from the garden is too small. All these moments open the door to deeper conversations about God, love, and faith.
God brings his abundance to fruition – always. Just look for it.

I have learned that every act of gardening brings us to fruition. God creatively provided a way for us to ripen in a setting that He originally planned. In a garden and in fellowship with Him. When Adam and Eve destroyed God’s magnificent garden, God with every fruit of the Spirit, gave us a remnant of grace – the one that He showed Adam and Eve.
God allows us to create gardens in part so that we can dwell in them and witness the fullness of His fruitfulness. Our gardens provide a small measure of God’s original plan for His Garden. A place to dwell in fellowship with the Creator. When I think about the saving grace of God, and the overwhelming grace that was given to Adam and Eve, even after they turned their back on God, God still gave all of us the gift of gardening.
So as this growing season is slowly ending, don’t just take stock of what you grew, preserved, or gave away. Take time to dwell on the garden moments that harvested spiritual fruit and what lesson God quietly awakened in you.

I hope you enjoy this season of ripen – a gardening lifestyle magazine and learn how others are using their gardens and farms to share the good news of Jesus Christ. When you have a story of how God uses your garden to grow something in you, or others please pass it on to k.bloom@lifestylemediagroup.com. I know our readers will gain insight and grow from your experience.
Kimberly Bloom
A Hand of Tranquility and a Harvest Lifestyle

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