Free use featured Image above by Greta Hoffman via
Hardcore gardening can be all of those cliche images: working dead soil hoping for a good crop, a shed full of every tool imaginable, working through the aches, pains and blisters, creative ways to ward off wildlife and clothes soaked in sweat. It can also be the quiet, humble and persistent prayer of the faithful gardener earnestly seeking and honoring God while working in the dirt. It’s about being under God’s influence so you can be the influence on others. It’s the passion and purpose that continually shines through. Hardcore is fueled by a Spirit-free mindset. And – it’s an eagerness to go where “what’s next” calls you. 2024 is your year to go hardcore.

Under The Influence
February, March, April 2024
Ever bought something because you saw an Instagram, TikTok or other social media post by someone you believe is genuine and trustworthy? We all want to be a positive influence in the lives of others. Often the best way to do that is simply with family and friends; A grandmother to granddaughter or as a neighbor, classmate, coworker — within whatever your circle of friends is. Across all of our Lifestyle Media Group spring quarter online magazines we’re inviting you and our community to look more closely into the influence of influceners. Get knowledge, learn and understand how influencing you has quickly gone from a phenomenon to how big biz is getting much bigger. If only Jesus had such a following. Oh wait, he does: You – Us! So, here’s your invitation to be more than informed, educated and enlightened. God wants you to BE LIFE, the very life of Christ, to others. When you put Christ at the center of your lifestyle, at the core of all you are, and get under the influence of God’s Spirit you can be the influencer that God has always known you can be. Ultimately that may be thousands of followers or maybe just an audience of one.
Be part of this issue by contributing an article, picture, video, skills and more. Learn about advertising, sponsorship, giving and sharing this magazine community with others.

Passion AND Purpose
May, June, July 2024
One of the main purposes of a garden is to produce a crop. Sometimes, like with cherry tomatoes, your purpose is easily and abundantly achieved. What if your passion – what you like to do… NO, what you loooove to do, was something you could do every day. If you’re reading this right now there’s a good likelihood that when you do what you love to do you can go “hardcore”. You’re pretty passionate about either fitness, travel, gardening or the outdoors. Maybe more than one. Find something you love to do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life we’re told is the ideal goal but can it be your reality? We don’t think so – We don’t think it should be. Here’s why: All 4 of Lifestyle Media Group’s online magazines this summer want to help you live your passion AND purpose. It’s that “purpose” part that, as Jesus Christ himself found, takes passion to a level that let’s just says takes a lot of work for all of us. But WOW it’s worth it!
Be part of this issue by contributing an article, picture, video, skills and more. Learn about advertising, sponsorship, giving and sharing this magazine community with others.

Mindset: Spirit-Free
August, September, October 2024
God is the creator of endless beauty. His handiwork, like a thick bed of flowers, goes beyond what our mind can imagine. As the Bible says, “Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagant generosity of God, this deep, deep wisdom? It’s way over our heads. We’ll never figure it out.”
Happy Birthday! Once each year, all of us have that day. Some, like the children’s story character, Eeyore have a mindset that is pessimistic even dark: “Go and enjoy yourself. We can’t all and some of us don’t. I’ll stay here and be miserable.” The world is eager to tell you: It’s too difficult – you can’t afford the cost – come back to earth – it’s impossible. How do you overcome? Planning for success, positivity, determination, hard work, and mindfulness are buzzwords for having a self-directed (and thus self-limited) mindset. The routines of life can be a ball and chain. Nobody wants, “same thing – different day” to become, “my whole life has been filled with disappointments, meaningless … a lie”. But, until God is at the center of your lifestyle, everything you believe, value and do – everything you are falls short.
For all of us tired of the mundane, who want to see beyond this world’s myopic best, grab hold of Spirit-free. God is munificent, generously giving you grace, love, joy, vision and resources. God’s spirit defies definition. Only God can build you stronger than your fitness, take you further than your travels, grow you deeper than your purpose and get you spiritually out beyond the limits of limitless.
Explore all 4 of the autumn 2024 magazines from Lifestyle Media Group and let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus – That energy is God’s energy, an energy deep within you!
Be part of this issue by contributing an article, picture, video, skills and more. Learn about advertising, sponsorship, giving and sharing this magazine community with others.

What’s Next
November, December 2024 – January 2025
If you could look at you from the earth’s perspective you’d gain a deeper perspective of the steward God has created you to be – full of strength, vision, creativity and faithfulness.
What’s Next is not a question –
It’s an opportunity, plan, strategy, calling, responsibility, lifestyle and eternal game changer.
Come on you know how things can get stagnate. David in the Bible wrote about it. In Psalms he prays to God, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation.” The package deal is: Go to church, say a prayer, get saved, get baptized, and thennnnn… show up every Sunday you can (at least Christmas and Easter) so you can sing and be inspired, maybe if you’re gutsy pick one of those easy-to-do get-involved volunteer activities and try your hand at communion. Whatever the case definitely give money regularly. Yeah, you know it and that’s why you know people find things like fitness, travel, gardening and outdoor activities to be more engaging and satisfying. And – often they (and we) find community in those activities too. But, until God’s at the center of your lifestyle, the package deal and the passions you find to pursue – they’re all narcissism – your preoccupation with your own needs.
What’s Next is the shift God is calling each of us to make from “what are you going to do for me today” to “make me a tool of your mercy and power”. It’s exercising your faith and intentionally helping others learn how they can workout their own faith in responsive obedience. It’s going to beautiful and exciting places that become even more beautiful and exciting because they’re destinations where the people you encounter get to encounter God – with you. It’s experiencing with others how God is in the wonder and aroma of growing real fresh food – where homesteading transforms from self-sufficiency into being at home with God. It’s the rugged nature of God you invite the awestruck outdoor adventurer to hear, see, smell and understand.
Ready to go for it and be hardcore? If you’ve been wanting to seek God in how to get from here to … way over beyond there, then the 4 winter 2024 Lifestyle Media Group magazines focusing on What’s Next are for you.
Be part of this issue by contributing an article, picture, video, skills and more. Learn about advertising, sponsorship, giving and sharing this magazine community with others.