If you could look at you from the earth’s view you’d gain a deeper perspective of the steward God has created you to be – full of strength, vision, creativity and faithfulness.
What’s Next is not a question –
It’s an opportunity, plan, strategy, calling, responsibility, lifestyle and eternal game changer.
Come on you know how things can get stagnate. David in the Bible wrote about it. In Psalms he prays to God, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation.”
The cliche and tired package deal is: Go to church, say a prayer, get saved, get baptized, and thennnnn… show up every Sunday you can (at least Christmas and Easter) so you can sing and be inspired, maybe if you’re gutsy pick one of those easy-to-do get-involved volunteer activities and try your hand at communion. Whatever the case definitely give money regularly.
Yeah, you know it and that’s why you know people find things like fitness, travel, gardening and outdoor activities to be more engaging and satisfying. And – often they (and we) find community in those activities too. But, until God’s at the center of your lifestyle, the package deal and the passions you find to pursue – they’re all narcissism – your preoccupation with your own needs.
What’s Next is the shift God is calling each of us to make from “what are you going to do for me today” to “make me a tool of your mercy and power”. It’s exercising your faith and intentionally helping others learn how they can workout their own faith in responsive obedience. It’s going to beautiful and exciting places that become even more beautiful and exciting because they’re destinations where the people you encounter get to encounter God – with you. It’s experiencing with others how God is in the wonder and aroma of growing real fresh food – where homesteading transforms from self-sufficiency into being at home with God. It’s the rugged nature of God you invite the awestruck outdoor adventurer to hear, see, smell and understand.
Ready to go for it and be hardcore? If you’ve been wanting to seek God in how to get from here to … way over beyond there, then the 4 winter 2024 Lifestyle Media Group magazines focusing on What’s Next are for you.
Click on the EcoPrint graphic to download a PDF of the Winter 2024 issue cover.
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