Growing gorgeous vegetables in the garden is just the beginning of a healthy and faithful lifestyle. All that goodness doesn’t do you much good if you can’t prepare it into a nutritious meal or snack. It’s one thing to do self-learning for your own personal diet but what can you do when you want to help members of your church, group or business access great nutrition programming that delivers solid dietary science, engaging instruction, biblical influence and helpful follow-up?

ripen – a gardening lifestyle magazine has a growing team of trained and respected nutrition professionals from across the country ready to provide virtual or in-person custom tailored nutrition programming.

Jim White lives his mission. He has a story to tell that inspires and motivates people to transform their lives. Jim is a certified national fitness and nutrition expert making an impact on the fitness industry and on countless people who have become really, truly fit. He’s cooked for us and it’s delicious AND nutritious. His training is top notch. Based out of Virginia Beach, Virginia he can schedule an online class or course for you or bring an experience live to your community. CONTACT US to discuss details and get Jim’s nutrition programming scheduled today.

Hungry for some down home cooking that’ll tantalize your taste buds and add flavor to your faith? Lisa Jarvis, from Paducah, Kentucky has savory meals for every season. When it comes to nutrition and food she shares, “Several years ago I decided to go back to college to follow a passion of mine and obtain my degree in Culinary Arts. My love for cooking as well as my love for healthy food came together and I started a healthy cooking blog called Food For Thought. I absolutely love creating delicious, healthy recipes to share with my readers.” CONTACT US and we’ll help you get cooking some incredible nutrition programming with Lisa that’ll have your group asking for more.